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Story: Somewhere On The Island (Episode 10)

Story: Somewhere On The Island (Episode 10)

Title: Somewhere On The Island
Author: Irene C.
Episode 10

This Saturday morning was the type I liked; the sun shining like say tomorrow no dey and the wind moving quietly, observing the trees. I was just coming into my flat when I heard a woman screaming on top of her voice from the other flat.
"Stupid man! Idiot! You are not ashamed of yourself... get me pregnant again, for where?...give me money for food, mba...oya pay your daughter's school fees, lai lai...useless man!"
I opened my mouth in awe, watching the woman shout like she was losing her life. The man refused to come out, he stayed in the room throwing his own words out.
"Useless woman, orangutan... see the way you exploded within just two years of marriage... only God knows what you would look like in five years...you go don turn Zuma rock!"
" Hehehe...ehn, so that's an excuse for you to be a useless husband?...chai, if I had known you were this stupid, I would have not married you...tall for nothing!.." she cried with frustration hanging to the tone of her voice.
"It's not too late woman, you can still pack your things and go to hell!...it's not as if you are even beautiful, my grandmother can even stand with you for a contest!.... yellow monkey!" He said on a final note and jammed the door.
The woman started crying, she couldn't bear it any longer; she must have been holding those tears for long. Her daughter held on to her skirt like a parasite. She was crying as well. I stood there watching them like a small boy, but they seemed ignorant of my presence. The rest of the house seemed quiet, even our amebo landlady didn't come out." I didn't know what to do, but I knew how to mind my business....so, I entered my house.
Somehow, I kept thinking of the scenario. I used to think they were the perfect couple, until today...things could be so unpredictable... especially things that have to do with strong emotions like love...You can never really say what would happen next.
I sat on my bed, thinking of these last few days of my life...how things could change in a matter of few days. Two women in my life, and....
The sound my phone interrupted my thoughts....Was it Onome? I'd been expecting her call like an expectant mother...all through last night I had been dreaming of her resting her head on my chest...just like how Aisha did the day we went to the cinema.
It was segun, I hissed.
"Craigo my guy!...how you dey na?" His voice was always high pitched, this guy must always be taking something.
"Idiot, I dey as you leave me na...how I wan dey before?"
"How you go dey as you dey, when you've got Aisha running all over you like a female mosquito" He laughed wickedly, I could imagine his yellow teeth begging to be covered.
"How many times will I tell you that Aisha and I are just friends... nothing else"
"What are you feeling like sef? Friend zoner abi?...you will grow old all alone." I could hear him try to hide his laugh.
"Guy abeg, go brush your teeth...your mouth dey smell." He laughed again, and then reminded me of Aisha's birthday party later that night. Yes, I hadn't forgotten...but I just didn't know how to face her after the other day. She was badly hurt.
It wasn't up to an hour after Segun called that my phone rang again. Who was it? The number was not familiar, but there was something about the ringtone that reminded me of Onome. It was indeed Onome.
"Hi, Craig...it's me Onome." Of course, how would I mistake such an angelic voice?
"Yeah...the sound of your voice won't stop ringing a bell." She laughed and it made my nerves dance to a strange beat.
"I still can't thank you enough for your kindness yesterday... people like you are needed in this world...I'm really grateful to God for using you." Well, even if God hadn't used me, I would be willing to be a sacrificial lamb.
"Please don't mention, it was really my pleasure... anything for an angel like you..." I think I was being too forward...I could hear voices in my head telling me to calm down.
"I was wondering if you would be free later in the afternoon...so we can hang out with a few friends of mine...they really want to meet you." I wasn't sure how that sounded to my ears. OK, Craig calm down really... it's not a date but a hang out with some of her friends. Hmmm...Mr Greg may just be one of them. Who was I to say no to the invitation. I stressed the YES before she would change her mind. I would miss a job interview to see her again.... wait, did I just say that?!
* * *
The place was beautiful; a small garden somewhere in Marina where she lived. I knew I was looking smashing hot; dressed in my best colour- white. I called her to confirm if they were there and yes, she came over to pick me up. There was a table for five in a very good spot. Something in me wished it was just the both of us here. Who were these intruders abeg?
When we got closer, I saw them. A guy and a young lady who bore a striking resemblance to Onome. Maybe they were family. Was I meeting her family already? I gave my confident smile and they both stood to welcome me.
"Hey guys, meet my friend- Craig...the one I told you about." Whoa! At least she introduced me as her friend and damn, they had been talking about me. Popular Jingo!
They all smiled with their lips almost touching their ears....I wondered what she told them.
"Nice to meet you Craig" they almost chorused like a choir.
"OK Craig, meet Efe my cousin and her boyfriend..." they laughed and I tapped the guy's back. One more person would be joining us soon. Oh, no wonder there were five chairs. We got talking and laughed most of the time. They were really nice people... I was about asking her if she was single when the arrival of the last person interrupted us.
"Wow... he's here finally... please meet my fiance- Osagie, but we all call him Osas" they laughed again, but I was getting sick...I didn't laugh.
"Craig!...what are you doing here?" He said hugging me. I could feel my head get bigger...I couldn't even hold myself any longer. I didn't know when I hit the table and my drink fell. God, please help me be a man.
"Honey, do you know him from somewhere?...he's the one that helped me out yesterday." I smiled with a corner of my mouth, trying to compose my self.
"Yes, we work in the same place...I once told you about him and Segun as well...this is a powerful coincidence, this world is so small...thanks so much Craig for being a good Samaritan, you did my work for me..." I managed to laugh this time. But inside of me, I was crying myself to pieces.
"You didn't tell us you had such a beautiful woman in your life...you're really a lucky man Osas" I said, finally accepting defeat. Was this really happening to me? Why me God? I had been wasting my emotions all this while. I only heard one still voice inside of me... "Everything happens for a reason." But hey, this can kill a man!
* * *
I left there feeling so depressed. I was almost regretting the first day I met her...but just couldn't...she made me realize a whole lot of things, she made me realize there was indeed a master planner, a God that knows our end even before our beginning. I wouldn't ever be so careless with anything in life because everything indeed happens for a reason.
I found my self boarding a bus to Aisha's place...if I missed her birthday, she would never forgive me.
The yeye song coming from the driver's stereo wasn't what I needed that moment. I missed my headphones that moment! I had to call Segun to ask for further directions on how to get to her place, since he was already there. He offered to come pick me up, but I told him I was not a toddler. Truth be told, I was avoiding a conversation with him. How would I tell him about Onome and Osas? I never mentioned Onome to him.
Aisha was not surprised to see me, she knew I would definitely come. She looked as beautiful as ever in her red flowing gown with a slit reaching up to her thighs. I still couldn't make my self have any feelings for her, despite the strong blow from Onome. She walked towards me immediately she saw me. She just stood when she got close, looking at me...her light complexion reduced me to a black man. She had a flawless skin that made you want to eat her like chocolate.
"You look beautiful Aisha..." I managed to say. She didn't blush this time, she knew I would never fall for her.
"I knew you would come, I was expecting you...I needed to tell you some things."
"And what if I didn't come?"
"You wouldn't dare it Craig... I know you"
"Forgive my manners... happy birthday darling" I hugged her and she kept me there, rubbing the back of my head with her magic fingers. I remained glued like the stars to the sky.
"I will miss you Craig...so much" I forced myself to break out from her hold.
"How? I'm not going anywhere..."
"Of course you're not...but I am..." I was just staring at her, trying to make out what she meant.
"Where....where are you going?"
"What for?"
"I'm redeploying to Jos...I can't continue my NYSC here."
"Why? Hope it's not because of me..." She sighed.
"I'm sorry I never mentioned it to you Craig. I'm engaged to the son of a prominent sultan in my place. My parents wanted us to get married before I go for my NYSC, but I refused... I wanted to be a free woman, not tied down by marriage...I wanted to have fun...I love fun. I promised myself I was gonna have all the 'fun' I wanted before I left. Then, you came my way; you were the perfect type of man I needed... and then I began to fall hopelessly in love with you. I didn't want fun anymore...I wanted you to love me, but I kept getting frustrated everyday. It's not your fault Craig...love is beautiful, but can hurt sometimes. I wish you all the best Craig and I hope you never fall for someone you can never have." She finally said, wiping a tear. That was a big irony, i already fell for someone I would never have. I stood speechless and watched her walk away; her flowing gown caressing the floor. That was another blow all in one day. The song from the speakers filtered through my ears, but I couldn't hear anything. From the rear door I could see Segun dancing like a fool with Bola, one of his girlfriends. I couldn't run after Aisha, what would I say to her? I couldn't talk to anyone. I simply walked out of the exquisite bungalow. I needed to calm my nerves, they were tearing apart.
"Oga, you know dey watch where you dey go?" An angry driver snarled at me. I was lost, my mind was nowhere. The next thing I heard was a loud shout and every other thing became black, contrasting the whiteness of my cloth.
* * *
The next time I opened my eyes, I couldn't figure out where I was. My head hurt badly and it was as though hundred old women from my village were playing trumpets in my brain. I raised my head to catch a glimpse of the surrounding. Then, I heard a voice... someone was sitting very close to me.
"Guy you don wake?" It was Segun smiling at me.
"Nooooo" I screamed and went back to wherever I was coming from.
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