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Nigeria Police Publish Tips on How to Survive Their Checkpoints

Nigeria Police Publish Tips on How to Survive Their Checkpoints

The police do not address the issue of bribe solicitation in their "tips for safe and cordial relationship at checkpoints", but advise that: * Take note of the name tags, Force or Service numbers, personal description, description of weapons or patrol vehicle of the security officer especially where the officers begin to conduct themselves in unprofessional manner."

End of Twitter post by @PoliceNG So, just in case you're wondering how to comply with the guidelines, here's what a motorist should do: Slow down as you approach the checkpoint, ensure the car's interior lights are on, if it's at night, and keep your hands visible to avoid spooking police officers.

End of Twitter post 2 by @PoliceNG Goading a police officer is also not a good idea: Oftentimes, you hear people say things like 'shoot me, if you can!"

End of Twitter post 3 by @PoliceNG So is touching an officer: There are a thousand and one ways to seek redress where you feel your rights have been infringed upon.

He may suspect you of trying to disarm him End of Twitter post 4 by @PoliceNG The police also felt it was necessary to warn about the potentially fatal consequences of fighting an armed police officer: * Also, don't go into a physical fight with an armed security officer.

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