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Trump Says He Directed Pompeo to not Let ISIS Bride Back in U.S.

Trump Says He Directed Pompeo to not Let ISIS Bride Back in U.S.

President Donald Trump aforementioned Wednesday that he had directed the State Department to not enable the come back of an Alabama lady who in 2014 joined the Islamic State FTO, days after the woman made public pleas to be let back into the U.S.

“I have instructed Secretary of State mike Pompeo, and he absolutely agrees, to not enable Hoda Muthana back to the Country!” the president tweeted.

Muthana joined ISIS in Syria when she was 19, becoming a bride for three fighters. She went on to call for the killing of Americans on Twitter.

In recent days, however, Muthana, who is now 24, said she regretted her actions and wanted to return to the U.S, according to The Guardian. She is reportedly being detained in an exceedingly Kurdish camp.

Pompeo on Wednesday aforementioned Muthana wasn't a U.S. citizen and had no “legal basis” to be brought back to the us.

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